Planted for their spectacular blooms that come in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes, chrysanthemums a.k.a mums are the perfect fall-blooming plant. These showy flowers bloom in late summer and continue into the fall, creating dense mats of color. If you're planning on overwintering these plants, plant them in late spring to give them time to develop roots.
Mums bloom for weeks, not days and have been known as the superstar of the fall garden. Mums make great container plants and can be dressed up with trailing foliage all around. Look for a plant with more buds than flowers to ensure it will bloom throughout the season.
One of the best things you can do for your mums is re-pot them. Gently break up the root ball and plant the flower in a pot with good quality, fertilized soil. Don’t forget to water! Mums love full sun but that means they also need plenty of water. Soak them after re-potting and then water every other day or when the soil feels dry.
The Greenhouse of Crystal Lake has over 25,000 mums. Stop by and pick some up to add some color to your porch or flower beds. Happy planting!